Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MORE boxes....

Dad got to spend the day with Grace today while Mom manned the fort at home. Dad reported that Grace did storm some today, but had stopped before he left the hospital this evening. Mom spent her day watching MORE boxes fill up her new home. The boxes contained a months worth of supplies to take care of Grace. The social worker also stopped by to check out the house and all went well.

Dad is taking the next couple of days off of work in order to get in the rest of his necessary training before the big homecoming on Monday!

Mom is so excited to have Grace back at home and again talked about how it will be the best Mother's Day gift ever!

The boys are having a little bit of a rough time due to not getting as much attention as usual. Although this is for a season, it is tough on Mom to see how this is directly affecting them.

Please Pray For:
  • Praise for Grace's Homecoming on Monday
  • Praise for supply delivery and social worker walk through went successfully
  • Prayer for Grace's complete restoration
  • Prayer for storming to cease
  • Prayer for Grace's brothers as they receive a little less attention during this transition
  • Prayer for Dad and Mom's 24 hour hospital stay
  • Prayer for financial provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail for more information).


kkay said...

Lord Jesus I ask that you would come along side Grace, take her hand and whisper the words to her, "Talitha koum!".
[Mark 5:41]

Happy said...

Praise God that Dad spent the day with Grace and that he is getting the necessary training to care for her.

Praise God that the storming was minimal yesterday. Today, I am spending the day taking authority over it and commanding it to stop completely in Jesus' Name. Jesus is Lord over Grace's brain, her body, and her life.

Praise God for Grace's two brothers that they have peace and comfort during this time, and they are excited that she is coming home.

Praise God that all the supplies that Grace will need are being delivered and that the social worker approved everything for her return home.

Praise God that Mom's and Dad's 24-hour stays will go well and that Grace is consistently improving. God is faithful; he also will do it.

Jess said...

Praise the Lord! I'm a friend of Jessica Murphy and have been praying for your family. I must admit that I haven't been to this site in a while and am sooooo thrilled for your family to hear that Grace will soon be coming home! I will continue to pray for the concerns listed. Please continue to list the updates! Thank you for keeping us in the loop and I just thank the Lord for answered prayer and that we are privileged to pray!! God bless and Happy Mother's Day to those of you moms!

Mrs. McKnight, Harrison, OH

Happy said...

Praise God for Mom's and Dad's 24-hour stays with Grace.

Praise God for the smooth transition as Grace returns home.

Praise God for Grace's continued progressive healing.

Praise God that Grace's brothers are prepared for her homecoming and that they are receiving the attention they require.

Praise God for Mom and Dad's adjustment to her 24-hour care at home. She is a huge blessing and a wonderful miracle!!!

Elisabeth said...

I continue to praise You for the way You come alongside of each of us, giving us what we need each day. I continue to ask for complete healing. I ask that the transition from hospital to home goes well. I also ask that you would not only touch those little boys, but also Mom and Dad and let them know how special each of them are.

In Your name I pray, for Your glory's sake. Amen.
