So much has happened since my last post...where to begin? How about with our trip to Disney, and we will fill you in from there. I kept a journal on our trip, because I just didn't ever want to forget anything about her special trip, so I will share it with all of you here.
On Monday 9-7 we woke up early to go to the airport. Abigail had been sick for several weeks prior to the trip, and was still a little under the weather today. Richard was not feeling so great himself. We wore our Make a Wish buttons, and the curbside check in man was very kind to us. He carried our bags inside, and they actually waived the baggage check fee. Cool! We made it through security and ate breakfast while watching the planes from our departure gate. The flight itself for Abigail and Richard was horrible, because of their congestion. Abigail did a little better once we got her started on the oxygen. The boys loved the flight, and Josiah was unwilling to give up his window seat (even on the way home). When we arrived in Orlando we met our airport greeter who helped us find our bags and load them into our rental van. Off to Give Kids the World we go!
When we arrived at the House of Hearts Abigail was given a stuffed Mickey Mouse, and the boys were each given Shamu stuffed animals. Our castle for the week was located across the street from Matthew's Boundless Playground, the worlds largest and only life sized version of the Candyland game. There was another bag of goodies waiting inside for Abigail at our new home for the week (Josiah still makes references to our orange house).
Abigail and daddy needed their rest, so the boys and I headed out to explore the GKTW Village. We played on the playground, rode on the carousel, and found the ice cream palace. They also petted a live sloth from SeaWorld.
I will continue to post bit by bit...
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