Saturday, May 10, 2008

Last minute touches...

Mom and Dad are exhausted from preparing for Grace to return home, but still chugging along. Mom was busy getting the last minute touches on Grace's room when I spoke with her. She is making the room as bright and cheery as possible for Grace.

Mom had a great 24 hour shift caring for Grace. The night was a little rough due to storming. Mom did get to take Grace on a walk and get her out in the sun a bit today which Grace seemed to enjoy. Dad is currently in the midst of his 24 hour stay. There was not much else to report on Grace for today.

Thank you to those who offered a TV - the family has been blessed with one, but appreciates everyone's willingness to help!

Please Pray For:
  • Praise for God providing a TV for Grace's room
  • Praise for Mom's 24 hour stay
  • Praise for Grace's homecoming on Monday
  • Prayer for a smooth transition home
  • Prayer for the boys transitioning to this change
  • Prayer for strong relationships with the nurses that care for Grace
  • Prayer for complete restoration for Grace
  • Prayer for rest on Sunday (Mother's Day)


Happy said...

Praise God that Mom and Dad have completed their 24-hour stays. I pray that they will rest today and be ready for the transition tomorrow.

Praise God for a smooth transition for Grace, her parents, and the boys. I pray that Grace will thrive and heal very quickly and completely at home. She is healed by Jesus' stripes. Jesus is the Lord and strength of her life.

Praise God for the color TV and for helping Mom prepare Grace's room to make it bright and cheery.

The seed of the righteous shall be delivered. Jesus has made unto Grace wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

mlssdglo said...

Happy Mother's Day and Welcome Home Grace, Jesus Loves You!

mimipj said...

Happy Mothers Day Mom. Your baby is coming home! I continue to be inspired by you.
Love, Pam

Elisabeth said...

Happy Mother's Day.

May God bless you with a rich day of rest. May He guide you through a smooth transition. I especially ask for a smooth transition for little brothers.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


Patricia said...

Thinking of you today Mom and hoping your feeling better . I'm sure the whole moving thing has got you wore out , but I hope you can rejoice in Grace's homecoming coming up . I am sure her room will be beautiful filled with hope and love . Just remember Mom and Dad there are positive thoughts and prayers being sent your way each and every day ... Hugs and kisses sent just for you Grace ... God Bless