Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day...

Grace comes home tomorrow! Mom and Dad continue to work hard to get everything done in order for the homecoming to go smoothly. Her brothers are anxiously awaiting her arrival also.

Dad's 24 hours stay went well although Grace stormed during the majority of it. Mom looked at the positive side and reported that at least she got her storming out of the way so most likely there would not be storming on the way home or her first day home.

Interestingly enough, their insurance does not cover nursing care for the day that a patient is discharged. So Dad and Mom will be on their own tomorrow. Dad is going into work and working a full day in order to continue to support the family financially. Mom will bring the boys to a sitter and then go to the hospital to go through the discharge process.

Thank you for all those willing to help with the TV request. Well, I asked the family today if there were any other items that would be helpful. Mom said that a boom box with a CD player would be a blessing to have in Grace's room so they could play music for her. Mom has been playing praise and worship music along with kid's bible songs in her room at the hospital. So, if you happen to have a spare boom box/CD player laying around please e-mail

Please Pray For:
  • Praise for Mom and Dad's successful 24 hour stays
  • Praise for Grace returning home tomorrow
  • Praise for the house getting unpacked and in order
  • Prayer for discharge to go smoothly
  • Prayer for safe car ride home for Grace
  • Prayer for smooth transition for Grace to being at home with the family
  • Prayer for the boys and their adjustment to Grace coming home
  • Prayer for financial provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail

Let's make Grace's homecoming even sweeter! Please comment if you read this blog tonight or tomorrow. Let's continue to show the family we are standing behind them. I believe the most comments that have been posted as of date on the blog in one day is 17. Let's beat it and show the family we are in this for the long haul! We will not waver in our faith! If for some reason you are having trouble commenting feel free to send your comment to and I will post it for you! Maybe, Mom and Dad will have a chance in the next few days to read all these comments to Grace off of the blog!


mimipj said...

We are standing with you in prayer. Have a wonderful homecoming Grace!
Love you,

Unknown said...

We are looking forward to seeing Grace in her own room surrounded by her loving family 24/7...we pray for the mom and dad and brothers are they learn how to have Grace at home...we pray for the nurses and the support services...that a seamless care team is on board! God, we seek your arms wrapped tight around this family this day and in the days ahead...helping them to see and feel your presence in all they experience!

Blessings on this special day! In His precious and Holy name we pray...amen!!!


Happy said...

Praise God for Grace's smooth transition to home life. Praise God that storming has to stop in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that Dad's 24-hour stay went well.

Praise God for the nurses and support services for Grace.

Praise God for the insurance coverage and the services that are helping to pay for Grace's care.

Thank God for the TV that has been provided and for the boom box/CD player that will be provided.

Praise God that the whole family is excited about Grace's homecoming.

Praise God for the help that Mom and Dad need in unpacking and every other area.

Praise God that His love and provision are covering this family at all times. He dwells in them.

In all these things we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

I plead the blood of Jesus over this family and they are redeemed from all the power of the enemy.
Greater is Jesus who is in them than he that is in the world.

mlssdglo said...

What a glorious day it is in the life of our Lord and for Grace to be home. Heartfelt prayers for safe and calm transition and that the beauty of this day surrounds the family as his Love and peace comforts Grace in her home sweet home. Jesus loves you. Amen

Jess said...

So glad she's coming home! Praying everything goes well today. :)

emhines said...

Happy Homecoming, Grace! Praise God!

kkay said...

We ask you Father for a safe return home for Grace and that you would continue to restore her to full health. In the name of Jesus we ask it, amen.

Mark Nelson said...

We're continuing to pray for complete healing and restoration...

Welcome home Grace...