Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Awaiting first sounds

Grace had a special valve put in along with her trach this week. This valve makes it possible for Grace to use her vocal cords. This is the first step toward encouraging/teaching Grace how to communicate. In a previous post we had stated that this valve was replacing the trach and that was a misunderstanding on our part. Grace has not tested out those vocal cords yet, but we are praying that Grace will attempt to vocalize any day!

In a couple of days, Grace will be completely weaned from one of the powerful drugs she was on to help with the storming. Mom is SO excited about this accomplishment. Other drug weaning continues and Grace has been responding well to it.

Grace's sleep patterns have once again evened out. She is awake during the day and sleeps at night.

Please Pray For:
  • Continued success with weaning of medications
  • Grace to use her vocal cords
  • Continued strength for all members of the family
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please contact


Elisabeth said...

Lord, we ask that drug weaning goes well and that Grace would indeed use her vocal chords.


Happy said...

Praise God that Grace is completely healed by Jesus' stripes.

Praise God for the valve which enables Grace to use her vocal cords and her speech muscles and respiratory system are healed in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that Grace will soon be completely weaned from all drugs with no complications and is returning to her normal, healed self.

Praise God that Grace's sleep patterns have returned to normal.

Praise God that He has healed all of Grace's wounds and infirmities in Jesus' Name.

Praise God for restoration of everything that was stolen from Grace physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Praise God for peace and patience for Grace as she re-learns things she once knew how to do and continues to learn additional things.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.

Unknown said...

Father God, we praise you for each step in this journey...and thank you for all you are doing every moment of every day with Grace and her us respond to your call on our lives, that we know and do what you would have us do to support and encourage this dear the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Happy said...

Praise God that Grace is healed completely by Jesus' stripes.

Praise God that Grace is weaned off all meds successfully and that she is regaining all that the enemy has stolen from her. He has to repay 7 times what he stole in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that there are no side effects from any meds in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that Grace's body is restored to the way God originally designed it. She is made in God's image.

Praise God that Grace and her family receive proper rest, nourishment, and relaxation.

Praise God that Grace is able to make sounds and eventually speak words.

God is Grace's refuge and strength. He gives his angels charge over her to keep her in all her ways.

He restores health unto Grace.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.