Monday, March 9, 2009

A Weekend to Remember

As I write this post, Richard and I have just gotten home from our first marriage conference since before Abigail was born. A friend gifted us with admission to the weekend to remember conference in Cincinnati, and we had a wonderful time. At the end, we were even able to renew our wedding vows, after 7 wonderful years of marriage.

We had an appointment last Monday with Dr. Levin. Some highlights: Abigail is losing some weight, which is even better than staying put! We removed her J-tube, so now it is strictly a G-tube. This is a more typical way of feeding, and if it comes out I can replace it instead of going to the hospital. And with how active she is getting with her hands, and her two busy brothers, I will not be shocked when one day it gets pulled out! What else...We continue to slowly increase the dose of Keppra, her seizure medication. We are finally seeing some progress. She is down to about3-4 observed seizures a day. We have more work to do, but we are getting there. And we have our first visit with the neurologist on March 26th, so please pray for that date.


Happy said...

Praise God for the marriage conference and the renewal of your wedding vows. That is awesome.

Praise God for the removal of the J-tube and the G-tube replacement.

Praise God that Abigail is losing weight as a result of this change.

Praise God that Abigail is using her hands well and that she is interacting with her two brothers.

Praise God that the seizures are subsiding and will soon be gone in Jesus' Name.

Praise God for all of the progress and for the neurologist appointment on March 26th.

Abigail is blessed beyond measure and she has favor with God and man.

She is completely healed by Jesus' stripes. Praise God Abigail is allowing Jesus to love her, touch her, and heal her.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's complete healing in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that she is progressing well each day and that she is being renewed day by day. God's tender mercies hover over her.

Praise God for restoring her nervous system and her brain cells are being replaced and restored. Jesus healed them all.

God is faithful, he also will do everything Abigail needs.

Unknown said...

Greetings to all from Michigan! I just want to say hello and let you know that I continue to pray and also keep checking the postings that you have made. Thank you, it must be difficult to manage all that you do, so each post is precious to those of us out here keeping in touch with God for each of you. I pray tonight for the blood of Jesus to be your complete covering for comfort and protection and strength. I pray you will quickly call out to God for help and I see the dispersment of his ministering angels immediately as you call..God loves you, God is aware of your every need and the needs of each family member..Our Redeemer Lives as Job said and with that Resurrection Power we have victory over death. Praise His Holy Name as we intercede for you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus! By His Stripes we are healed. God Bless Abigail, God we ask that it be your will to restore every detail of her being and we continue in thanksgiving for all you have done and give you all the praise and glory forever and ever for all that you continue to do and will do in each unfolding day. Amen

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's amazing progress.

Praise God for the neurologist appointment. Abigail has favor with God and man.

Praise God that she is redeemed from seizures.

Praise God that she is daily learning new things.

God's blessings are flowing to Abigail and her family at all times.

God's perfect love casts out fear. His love never fails. His mercies are new every morning.

Happy said...

Praise God that "This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."

Praise God for his wonderful works to the children of men.

Praise God that he will never leave us nor forsake us.

Praise God that he has given us the robe of righteousness. It's not our works, it's His perfect love.

Praise God for His Spirit that works through us to do His will.

Praise God for His healing power that is working in Abigail right now.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing baroken.

Jess said...
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Jess said...
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Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's complete healing and restoration.

Praise God that He is faithful and will perform His Word. His Word is truth. Jesus healed them all.

Praise God for all that He has done and is continuing to do for Abigail.

Praise God that we have God's authority over seizures in Jesus' Name. They have to stop in Jesus Name. The Name of Jesus is above all Names and at the Name of Jesus, seizures have to bow.

Praise God for Abigail's family who love her and continue to stand in faith believing for victory for her.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's complete healing and restoration.

Praise God that Abigail visited the neurologist on March 26th.

Praise God for God's favor for Abigail and her family in every detail of life.

Praise God for his goodness and his wonderful works to all men.

Praise God that all things are working together for good for Abigail and her family.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's progress and for the completion of her healing and restoration.

Praise God that the seizures have stopped.

Praise God that Abigail can do all things through Christ who strengthens her.

Praise God that Abigail is healed by the stripes of Jesus.

Praise God that all things are working together for good for Abigail.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken

Happy said...

Praise God for his wonderful works to Abigail and her family.

Praise God for his continued healing and restoration for Abigail.

Praise God for providing all the needs of this family.

Praise God continually for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Praise God for deliverance from seizures and all hindrances.

Praise God for Abigail's brothers and their love for her.

He will never leave Abigail and her family, nor forsake them.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.

Happy said...

Praise God that Abigail is improving in every area each day.

Praise God that her family is blessed daily.

Praise God that He who has begun a work will bring it to completion.

Praise God for every miracle of restoration.

If possible, please update the blog. I thank God for your faithfulness to keep us informed.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.

Happy said...

Praise God for breakthrough in every area of need for Abigail's complete restoration to wholeness in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that He is faithful to perform His word that we speak on Abigail's behalf.

Praise God that he will never leave Abigail nor forsake her in Jesus' Name.

At the Name of Jesus, Satan has to flee. God has given us authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt Abigail or her family.

God has given Abigail and her family all things that pertain to life and godliness.

I praise and give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever.

God's perfect love casts out all fear. Faith replaces fear when we speak His word.

Shalom - nothing missing, nothing broken.