Sunday, March 2, 2008

Exciting News!

Great news!

Less than 48 hours after the tragic event, Grace is well on her way to making a full recovery!

Here is the latest:

The doctors are slowly weening Grace off of machines to assist her breathing! There are currently tubes removing fluid from her lungs, which the doctors put in there post-haste. Because there was no time to go through all the standard disenfection procedures before inserting said tubes, there is some concern about a collateral infection taking hold once the tubes are removed. We pray that this will NOT be the case! Once these tubes are removed and Grace proves that she can breathe unassisted, she will be about ready to leave ICU!

NO BRAIN SWELLING! The doctors were in a state of constant vigilence looking for brain swelling as a possible indicator of brain damage. We are VERY excited to report that none has been found! The prevailing wisdom is that if it hasn't happen yet, it probably wont' happen at all! AMEN!

Grace is moving in response to voices. She's attempted to wake up, but her blood pressure goes up when she tries. (if I woke up attached to a ton of machines, I'd probably flip out too!) This has happened several times, and they keep giving her more medicine each time it occurs.

Wow! This is an AMAZING turnaround in less than 48 hours! Please keep praying that Grace is able to walk out of the hospital and return to a normal life - and DO IT SOON!

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