Monday, March 17, 2008

Surgery: Success!

Grace's operation today was a success! She now has feeding and breathing tubes into her neck. Mom and Dad can see Grace's beautiful face again for the first time in weeks!

The next decision is where Grace will go next. In roughly 5 days time, she will either go to the rehab floor, or the transition floor. At this point, we don't have a clear picture of what the difference is. Here's what mom and dad have heard:
  • Certain drugs that have controlled the storming in ICU are not allowed in rehab
  • Rehab may be more familiar with storming than recovery
  • Transition focuses more on the feeding/breathing tube maintenance
  • Rehab focuses more on recovery/physical therapy

At this point, mom and dad are praying for the recovery floor. They are camping out at the hospital tonight to be there when the doctors make their rounds.

Grace continues to have issues with storming.its a tricky balance. Is the goal to ween grace off the drugs to make it to the rehab floor, or to use said drugs and stop the storming?

Mom continues to improve and has little gall bladder pain. She is understandably stressed by the whole situation. Dad plans to return to work on Wednesday.

Please pray for:

  • Wisdom for mom and dad in making decisions
  • A complete end to the storming
  • Grace's complete recovery
  • Peace and provision for the family. (see for more info.)


Happy said...

I lift Grace into the hands of God today. I believe that the perfect plan of God is operating today as decisions are being made on her behalf.

I thank God that the surgery was successful and that her body will be nourished with the nutrients that she needs.

Jesus took her infirmities on his own body and she is healed by his stripes. No evil shall befall her and only what is ordered by God will come near her. She is a blood-bought child of God and he is watching over her carefully.

Blessings and mercies are overtaking her. She is carefully and wonderfully made.

Elisabeth said...

We praise you God. We ask for continuing wisdom and the peace that comes from walking in your path. Amen.