Thursday, March 6, 2008

Grace and Peace

Your comments are very encouraging to Mom and dad! Please keep them coming!

Grace had another good day today! She's still experiencing some "storming." It appears that the storming may be related to her sense of touch being interpreted as pain. Grace is trying to lift her entire body off the bed, which lessens the doctor's concern that she may have spinal cord damage. She's also periodically opened her eyes, but less so today as she's been given some medicine to help ease the storming.

Mom and Dad are going to watch Grace's favorite movie (Finding Nemo) with her tonight.

Through all this, Grace still looks beautiful! The nurses washed her hair, braided it into pigtails, and gave her a beautiful hospital gown that looks like a dress! Grace looks like she's ready at any moment to jump out of bed, throw off all the equipment, and go chasing butterflies through a field of wildflowers on a warm, sunny day!

Grace has an MRI tomorrow. A neurologist or two will probably interpret the results and give a report. Good news might be nice, but given the magic-8-ball type nature (see previous post) of things, noboby's holding their breath.

Another family with a daughter of similar age and condition is in a nearby room. While it's sad that the girl is experiencing her current set of circumstances, it is also very encouraging that girl's parents are standing in faith together with mom and dad! It would be awesome if one day the two girls could travel together sharing their stories!

Mom and dad are starting to get a sense that Grace's recovery may be a process. Tomorrow they're going to start transitioning back into everyday life. They're going to be spending mornings with Grace while the doctors gather information and make decisions, but they're also going to start caring for Grace's brothers who have stayed with other families all week.

Grace's brother is old enough to notice that something is different, but still too young to understand. He's started asking where Grace is.

And today Grace's family saw another sign that things may be returning to normal - dad started making his bad puns again!

Grace still desperately needs your prayers! Please pray for the following items:
  • Continued miraculous healing for Grace.
  • Strength and courage for mom and dad to return home and face Grace's room full of all Grace's things - except for Grace.
  • A good report on the MRI
  • Wisdom and strength for mom and dad as they begin trying to resume life for the first time since the incident.


Unknown said...

We are so encouraged by God's spirit and the updates of the day! God is so good and HE is THE HEALER!!! Grace, we are praying for you and your mom and dad, and your sibs! May God bring healing, and joy to your sweet young life...your life is bringing huge blessings to so many people, even those who do not know you! "He who began a good work in faithful to complete it!"
Lisa and Tim

Unknown said...

God is good- I know He has a plan, and While we don't yet know what that is, we do know that He is good.
It is exciting that there is another family in similar circumstances!
Sarah and I are praying for you guys!