Friday, March 28, 2008

Do not throw away your confidence - Hebrews

Last night and this morning were tough days for Mom. Grace has been storming more often than before. Mom suspects it is due to the infection in her gut along with the fact that they are decreasing her storming medication all at the same time. Mom and Dad continue to stand in faith that the storming will cease!

Grace coughed 7 times in one hour today and continues to cough consistently. Remember that the only reason Grace has the trach is to keep her airway open. Coughing is an indication that Grace is beginning to be able to do this by herself. Praise God! Mom commented, "There are some things I just know and others I am not sure of, but I know that the trach is temporary!"

Mom requested prayer for their middle son. He had come down with what they thought was the flu. Mom is concerned that he is becoming dehydrated and is considering taking him into the doctor tomorrow due to symptoms persisting for a several days.

Mom received her encouragement for the day from an e-mail of a friend. The Bible Verse that encouraged her was Hebrews 10:35 "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised". Mom explained that "throwing your confidence away" is easy to do in the face of looking at the physical world, but that this verse encouraged her with the next verse that states that she needs to continue to "persevere" and to do"God's Will". The family continues to obey God by standing in faith and reading and believing His Word. Finally, the verse concluded by stating, "you will receive what is promised" which Mom personalized the verse to the promise God has given her two times. The promise to Mom has remained that Grace IS healed in Jesus Name! Wow, what a timely verse that speaks to this situation in so many different ways.

Please pray for:
  • Storming to cease immediately
  • Strong marriage/unity
  • Middle son's health
  • Coughing to continue/gag reflex to return - result would be trach removed
  • Healing of infection in gut
  • Financial Provision for the family (If you are interested in helping in this way please e-mail us at for more info)


Elisabeth said...

Oh, Lord, we knew this wouldn't be an easy road for this family. Yet, my heart breaks as they go through this wearying time. We pray for rest for this family.

We pray that little brother will turn a corner toward healing today and that he would keep down the fluids he needs. We pray that the rest of the family would remain healthy.

We pray that Grace would be able to overcome the infecting agent, so that her strong lungs would have time to rest. We pray that her brain would settle into a normal sleep, without storming. We pray that after this period of rest she would awaken into normal alertness.

We pray for these parents to have wisdom on where they need to be, when and for how long. Let them give you their weariness and give them a season of peace. Continue to strengthen their marriage as they are split between ill children and all of the other responsibilities of life.

We ask these things in Your name. Amen.


Happy said...

I bind storming and infection and any other symptom that tries to come against Grace in Jesus' Name. God has given Grace everything that pertains to life and godliness. I ask the Holy Spirit to operate in Grace's body and to repair and replace whatever is necessary to stop the storming permanently. I ask the angels to perform the Word that has been prayed for her. Ps. 103:3 He heals ALL of our diseases.

The same power that raised Christ from the dead is also in Grace and is healing her now.

Praise God that He has given her the ability to breathe and cough, open her eyes, and squeeze Mom's hand. By Jesus' stripes Grace was healed.

Isa. 40:10 The Lord is coming in all his glorious power. He will rule with awesome strength. He brings his reward with him as he comes. He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.

Grace's brother is also healed. His body is hydrated and all flu symptoms have to stop in Jesus' Name. Only God's blessings are coming to Grace and her family today.

The enemy cannot win!!! If we don't quit, he has already lost. His attacks are only symptoms. Many times when we think things aren't going well is when the battle is almost won. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We will believe the report of the Lord. Grace is healed completely!!!

I praise God for all the medical staff, the people who are praying, the people who are stepping up to help, for God's Word that is working mightily, and for the angels of protection that are surrounding Grace and her family.

The love of God is shed abroad in Mom and Dad's hearts and their marriage is strong. I ask for proper rest for them and for God's grace to strengthen them.

God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power (God's Word)that is in us.

Love, grace and peace are multiplied to Grace and her family today. They have favor with God and man.

Jose's Mom

Happy said...

Joshua 1:9 I command you -- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Everything that we see in the natural is subject to change because The Word of God is the final authority over adverse circumstances. God's promises are yes and amen.