Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Little Red Wagon

Grace isn't barefoot chasing butterflies through fields of wildflowers (yet) but she is doing the next best thing. She went on a wagon ride through the halls of the hospital!

Now that Grace is in rehab, she's got places to go and people to see. She keeps a very busy schedule of physical therapy and misc. appointments. She's more or less in a "Have your people call my people, and we'll set something up" mode. In addition to all the nurses, doctors and physical therapists, Grace has a patient advocate seeing to her needs 24/7.

The list of "Grace will never do X" keeps getting steadily shorter. Not only is she breathing on her own, she's also coughed several times. You may remember from previous posts that the main reason for Grace having a tracheotomy in the first place was that the Doctors didn't think Grace had enough brain function to cough. Now she does!

The storming episodes are receeding! It used to be that any stimulation would cause prolonged storming. In Rehab, Grace has constant therapy/stimulation, they're weening her off of the major drugs, and the storming has been minimal!

While all of that is welcomed progress, something even more incredible happened today! More than once, Grace opened her eyes to the sound of hearing mom's voice! Who knows? Maybe once they can stop the drugs she'll be able to talk again!

Grace's brothers are doing very well! Today her oldest brother walked into the house of the family caring for him. He walked right to the kitchen table, and sat down to quietly wait for breakfast. Yep. He's 2.

Please pray for the following:
  • A strong marriage for mom and dad
  • Grace's brain functioning to be fully restored
  • Grace's return to a full, normal life with NO long term effects from this situation
  • The nurses/doctors to be greatly blessed for their fresh perspective regarding Grace
  • Storming to cease
  • Financial provision for the family (If you are interested in helping in this way please e-mail info@gracegoodday.com)

Also, Mom and Dad don't quite grasp how many of you are out there following Grace's progress and praying. They are very encouraged by the comments they see. If you can spare 30 seconds, it would really mean a lot to Mom and Dad if you could post a comment. Even a simple "I'm praying for you" means a lot!


Happy said...

Praise God that the storming is stopping and Grace is able to breathe and cough. Also, that she responds to Mom's voice and touch is just the beginning of what she is able to do. It is awesome that she opens her eyes and squeezes Mom's hand.

The storming has to completely stop and there are no side effects from the drugs in Jesus' Name. She can do all things through Christ who strengthens her and she is healed by Jesus' stripes.

I am believing God that the tracheotomy is no longer a necessity and that it will be removed. Jesus is Lord over Grace and every need that she has is met by Him alone.

She will walk, talk, eat, run, jump and play as she did before in Jesus' Name. The glory of the Lord is working in her behalf.

Jose's Mom

Unknown said...

Praise be to our God and Heavenly Father, His Love endures forever. We Praise Him with songs of joy. Bless every caregiver and prayer warrior. We love you Grace and mom and dad and little brothers too!

mimipj said...

God continues to pour down his blessings. I pray that when the drugs are out of Grace's system that she has many things to share with Mom, Dad, brothers and everyone. I am praising all the wonderful caregivers that they continue to believe that this is a special child blessed by our Heavenly Father. I pray that Mom and Dad continue to be strong and find ways to juggle all the things that are going on in there lives.
Grace has given so many strength, I want to continue to witness God's wonderful miracles. Thank You Father in Heaven.

emhines said...

Praise God for the daily progress! You guys are on the prayer list at our church as well as our parents' churches in W.V. We love you and stand with you through this.

Emilee, Jared, Jonathan, and Matthew Hines

Unknown said...

Praise God for such great progress!!! We are sooooooo excited!!! God is so good and continues to bless, and bless, and bless!!! We serve an awesome God who is and does more than we can conceive with our finite minds!

We spoke with Tim's cousin in New York last night...she reminded us that her church and another church in the area are praying for Grace and the entire family! We were in South Carolina for Easter and learned of families there in multiple churches and multiple denominations praying for Grace and the entire family! God surely is hearing the cries of His children on your behalf!

We cannot wait to get the updates everyday...and to know what we need to be praying for THAT DAY!!! You all, we all belong to HIM and He is faithful to each of us! What a testimony of faith...each day, each week, with each victory!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
Lisa and Tim

specialhope said...

Dear Ones, You touched my family with your kindness long before God placed you in this situation. My daughter, Sarah, is a part of the Special Hope Sunday school class. Every Sunday we would pass you in the hallway and Sarah was always very excited to see your baby. You always responded to her. Now before Sarah goes to sleep she says, "Pray Grace, you first Mom!" So we pray and God listens and our lives are shaped and changed together.
"Don't be frightened by the size of the task. Be strong and courageous and get to work, for the Lord my God is with you. He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." I Chronicles 28:20

Sarah's Mom

Elisabeth said...

Lord, we praise You for all of the blessings You continue to pour out on this family in the midst of their struggles. We thank You for the gifts of opening eyes and squeezing hands. We thank You for the intellect beyond those responses. But I fully believe that You have so much more intended for Grace. I pray that You would restore her to a babbling, playing fountain of energy. We thank You that she will live. We ask that she would also have a vibrant, active life.

We also thank You for the confidence You have given to Mom and Dad. May they continue to cling to each other and cling to You. We ask that You would address their every worry, casting each and every care upon You who care for them so much.

Fill the lives of little brothers with joy and fun today. Let them imagine, rest, sing and play for Your glory's sake.

We ask these things in Jesus' precious name. Amen.


Brenda said...

We haven't seen you and your family since you moved from MI, but we have been so touched by what you are going through right now. We are praying daily for a full recovery for Grace and strength for mom and dad for the road ahead. As we read these daily updates, we are encouraged by your strength and faith through this time. Our God is a faithful and loving God who can do such amazing things for your little one that we could never even dream of. And that's what we're praying for and expecting. We will continue to pray for each one involved. God bless. The Hunter family.

Jess said...

We're still praying! It's been so amazing to see God's goodness through Grace. Many blessings, Jessie

crystal said...

It has been so neat to read about Grace's progress. You all are constantly in my prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

Motherless Daughters

Mark Nelson said...

We're praying in Knoxville, TN...May God bring complete and absolute healing to Grace...

Unknown said...
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Kristin said...

We are praying for you!

Jess said...

Continuing to pray here. Glad to hear progress is happening!


Elisabeth said...

This was sent to me by one of my friends who has been praying for y'all in St. Louis.

"Thanks for the update. I am so excited things seem to be getting better. The family and Grace are in our prayers."

Jen said...

So glad to hear about the wonderful treatment Grace is getting on the new hospital floor. She will certainly blossom there! God is working there day by day. We are praying for her to wake up soon, and my family in Pensacola is praying for her too!

Unknown said...

All of the updates are wonderful! We think of each of you and read your updates daily... You all are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.... I believe that Grace will be pulling that wagon out of the hospital, instead of riding in it :-))

-Corri & family

Tim said...

Dear Family,

We are members at MCC and mutual friends with many of yours. We have been praying since day one and are so happy to hear of the answered prayers. We continue to pray without ceasing and are standing "at our watchtower" (see Habbakuk 1) waiting expectantly for God to answer! Stay strong in Him.

The Highland Family

Greg B. said...

Praying for you in NW Ohio
~ Greg & Tracy B.