Now that Grace is on the rehab floor, Mom and Dad are beginning to train on numerous different ways to care for Grace. There is a lengthy checklist of items to master before Grace would be able to go home. Dad is getting very excited to care for Grace, and had made it a priority to learn things quickly!
Dad was very excited to hold Grace today for the first time since the incident! Also, at one point today Grace's blood pressure was a bit high. Mom began holding Grace, and Grace's blood pressure went down to normal. Even though Grace isn't yet able to interact as before the incident, she is showing a consistent pattern of understanding and responding to her surroundings - yet one more thing that doctors said would never happen!
The storming did come back a bit today, and physical therapy was reduced accordingly. In general, not many new developments with Grace manifested themselves in the physical realm today.
Mom met with the hospital chaplain today, and was greeted with an interesting perspective. Typically, hospitals do not attempt to revive people as long as they worked to revive Grace. However, they usually want parents to see the hospital staff doing all they can before giving up. Mom and dad were delayed in arriving at the hospital, and so the staff kept at it until after mom and dad arrived. Much to the doctor's amazement, Grace came back. The chaplain was instructed to tell mom and dad upon their arrival that the staff was doing all they could, but that Grace would not live. The chaplain mentioned that the staff was doing all they could, but in this case felt inclined to leave off the second part of the message. Nearly 4 weeks later, Grace continues to defy all odds.
Mom and Dad continue to read and appreciate your comments! Even a simple comment like "I'm praying for you" is extremely encouraging!
Please pray for:
- A strong marriage/unity for mom and dad
- Grace's complete return of brain function and complete recovery
- Storming to cease
- Financial provision for the family (If you are interested in helping in this way please e-mail
I wasnt able to post this on the site- please pass this on. thanks!
I saw this little girl's mommy today. I overheard the conversation she was having about her daughter. I tried not to listen however it sounded like a tragic event and her positive attitude caused me to not turn off my ears. What a horrible accident. And unfortunately in the blink of an eye they happen-they are no one's fault. I am so sorry.
What a truely special mom this little girl has. I am in awe of her mother- the positive attitude, the strength- I can only hope that I would be even half as positive and functioning as she is at this point. God bless the whole family. You all will be in my prayers
We are praying
It sounds like your lives went from slow motion into overdrive.
I pray for Mom and Dad to have unity and strength. I pray that Grace's storming continues to lessen and then ceases. I pray for Grace to return to her active, chatty self. I pray that Grace's brothers continue to flourish while Mom is caring for Grace at the hospital and Dad is at work. I am believing that God continues to work miracles in all of your lives.
What a wonderful comment and testimony to Mom's strength and positive attitude. Standing tall behind you, Pam
Praise God that Grace has accomplished many strides that the medical staff said were impossible.
Miracles are still happening that are not yet visible. Each day she is in the process of being made completely whole.
The storming has to stop completely in Jesus' Name. I speak resurrection life to Grace's brain and every part of her body. Her blood pressure remains normal. The perfect love of God casts out all fear. God loves Grace perfectly and healing is the children's bread.
How precious that Dad was able to hold Grace and that he is quickly learning to care for her. There is much healing involved in the positive Father and Daughter relationship.
God is increasing her consciousness of her surroundings and her responses to people. God's glory, His presence and his angels of protection are surrounding her at all times.
Grace's parents are awesome and their faith is upholding her. Their marriage is strong in Jesus' Name.
Grace's brothers are well adjusted to the caretakers and the balance of time between them and their Mom and Dad. The caretakers are sent by God to be a blessing to the entire family.
There is much prayer happening on Grace's behalf and God answers every prayer and His Word will accomplish what it was sent to do.
God's blessings on everyone in the family and on those who continue to pray for Grace.
Jose's Mom
Lord, when You created Grace You did a very good job. She was fearfully and wonderfully made. We pray now that You would continue Your work in her body, soul and spirit.
We pray that You would continue to grant this family balance and peace. Grant them moments of joy and rest in the midst of the chaos and the adjustments. Let them hear the love song You continue to sing over them day by day.
We ask these things in Your name and for Your glory's sake. Amen.
Be strong and united. You are doing an awesome job...keep up the good work! If you need anything, I'm only a phone call away! The twins are continuing their "Move that mountain!" nightly prayer ... and so am I! :) Heather
Hello Dear Friends:
Had a call tonight asking for an update...a senior lady (our neighbor) who has been bombarded with phone calls from her church in Loveland, wanting updates on Grace and family! God is moving a mountain, bigger than most of us can even imagine! Yes, He is healing Grace and holding your family in the very palm of His hand...but He is moving many, many of His children to their knees on a very regular and focused basis...and the resulting power is absolutely amazing!!!
Praising God yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever!!!
Lisa and Tim
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