Friday, March 21, 2008

Records are made to be broken

Grace is a very energetic little girl! If you're reading this, it should come as no surprise that she now holds a new record: among those who had been revived at her hospital, none had been underwater as long as Grace was.

Grace's progress continues to amaze the doctors. After 3 weeks of relying on machines, she was able to breathe a FULL DAY UNASSISTED! They put her back on the ventilator for the time being to give her a chance to rest, but that is HUGE!

After weeks of the medical staff ranging somewhere between seeing no hope to sneering at the sight of it, Mom and Dad had 3 medical professionals today agree that "she is going to make it." As the Rehab staff begins to come to ICU to prepare for grace to move over to their floor, they're interacting with the ICU doctors saying things like "She doesn't need that right now... that's too much stimulation. please come back later" - They're saying things that mom would have had to say before!

The storming has lessened today, although the doctors did say something interesting that they hadn't mentioned before: People in this situation who experience storming episodes have a better prognosis than people who don't.

And then there's what is perhaps the most exciting news of the day. After 3 weeks of Grace being stuck in a hospital bed attached to a gabillion machines, Mom and dad should get to hold her tomorrow! She's already come back to life after 2 hours of having no pulse. Who knows? Maybe she'll wake up tomorrow and give Mom and Dad a hug.

You continue to be an INCREDIBLE support to mom and dad! There had been a schedule where several of you had volunteered to watch Grace's brothers one day/week, but then today one person volunteered to watch them for the entire month of April! Grace's brothers have been through so much excitement already these last 3 weeks, and the stability of being in a consistant place is HUGE!

Dad gave mom a much needed break tonight. Mom went scrapbooking and had an amazing time!

Please pray for:
  • Complete healing for Grace's brain and entire body
  • Continued hope from the hospital staff
  • Peace and rest for Grace's brothers
  • Financial provision (If you are interested in helping in this area please e-mail for more information.)
  • God's glory to continue and shine through the whole situation

Easter's coming!


Happy said...

Praise God that Grace is progressing rapidly. As she said, "This is a good day."

As we speak God's Word, He is performing it. As we speak to her body and command it to be healed in Jesus' Name, it responds.

Grace's brain is restored and functioning as it was designed by God when he created her. Christ in Grace is the hope of glory.

It is wonderful that the doctors are beginning to acknowledge her wonderful progress (miracles from God.)

The Lord is providing gentle, nurturing child care for Grace's brothers.

All of their needs are provided through God's riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Jose's Mom

Elisabeth said...

Lord, we thank you for all that you have done in the life of this family. Most of all, you have given them hope and peace. You are the life. We thank you for the joy of re-birth. In Jesus precious name we pray. Amen.


mimipj said...

If there is a waver in your faith, you only need read the last weeks of this blog. Prayer is such a powerful tool. Let's continue to pray and stand tall and strong for this very special family. Grace will be sharing her complete story to many and become a testimony to the power of God.
Happy and Blessed Easter Family!

Greg B. said...

We continue to pray Ps 42:5 for Mom & Dad. This has been a very huge verse in our lives and we pray for you to see God's power through this. We are trusting with you that God will use his awesome power and Grace will pull through.