Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sorry for the delay in updates

We just got home from a one day trip to stand in the gap for our dear friends and their daughter Grace and we have some exciting updates to share with all of you.

First off, the cat scan results that caused a lack of hope in the family were looked at by another doctor. The second doctor said there was differentiation in gray matter in the brain and that she had "sluggish" brain activity, but that it was way to early to tell what the functioning of her brain was actually doing! Thank God for a second look at these scans. Mom was able to ask this doctor many questions and was greatly encouraged by the news.

We arrived and got to see precious Grace. For those of you who are not near by or don't even know Grace personally I would like to tell you she looks beautiful! She was dressed in a darling blue hospital gown that looked like a Little House on the Prairie dress and her hair was braided in pigtails.

The doctors did a third cat scan today and the results are in - the swelling has peaked and started to lessen! Praise God! The tests are great, but the doctors said the true measure of brain functioning are her movements and responsiveness. We need to stand together and pray for intentional/purposeful movements. Movements such as her opening her eyes, trying to grab the tubes out of her and other things a typical three year old would do. Grace's mom was in the room with her and she witnessed one of her eyes opening and her hand moving up toward a tube with a closed fist. She is also coughing which is actually a GOOD sign that she has more than just her brain stem functioning! This will show the doctors what we already know, that she is a miracle child, and that she does have higher level brain functioning!

Mom and Dad's faith has definitely been tested in the last 48 hours, but when we left mom especially seemed to be renewed. For those not living near them, please pray for those around them to remain positive and to stand in faith with them even when circumstances may be challenging. Mom has her tenacious attitude back and we are SO proud of her! We know their renewed faith is due to the numerous prayers that have gone out from all over the country.

I am sure there is more I am forgetting, but it is very late. I will update more tomorrow!

Please make comments on the blog. Write prayers, how you have been affected or how other have already been affected by the miracles that have occurred thus far and will continue to occur! Unfortunately, the hospital does not have wireless Internet access so I will be reading these comments to them when they call me with updates. They are SO excited to start hearing these and so I am counting on all of you to fill this blog with comments to encourage them and to show them how many people are standing in faith with them. They are able to see the people around them, but I do not think they realize how many people across the world are standing in the gap for them. Let's continue to be the body of Christ and demonstrate this to them! Remember to include the name as Grace and not to mention any other names.

God, Grace is healed and she is a living testimony to your healing power!

Specific Prayers:
1. Continuation of renewed faith for mom and dad and those around them
2. Purposeful/Intentional movement
3. Kidneys to retain sodium (right now it is all coming out in her urine)
4. Courage to stand up for their daughter and to not allow any negativity to surround her
5. "Brainstorming" to cease (brainstorming is a medical term and causes her blood pressure and heart rate to go up - they sedate her every time this happens)
6. The two other boys as they have been staying with friends since the incident (Friday)


Unknown said...

Mom and Dad, we are standing with you in prayer and thanksgiving for sweet Grace! We love you and are praying fervently for healing, for positive encouragement from all who speak to you, and for God's arms of love to be very real and present to all of you! We think often to the spirit we witnessed in Grace last fall at the McDonald's playland...she is gifted with determination...demonstrated by loving parents in day to day life! We stand in the gap...knowing our God is able! We receive requests for updates on Grace daily from praying friends across the country...there is an army of prayer warriors standing with you!!! Much Love...Lisa and Tim

M&A Ros said...

We have been praying for you all constantly. Grace is a strong little girl and the Lord has worked many miracles in her already. We pray that He will continue to heal her. When I think of Grace, the song "Mighty to Save" always pops in my head. Specifically the verse "He can move the mountains. He is Mighty to Save." This is just one more mountain that He is able to move. Every night, E has been praying that Jesus will heal Grace. Last night, he told us that Jesus can fix her because He has special tools that doctors don't have. I said, "He sure does." Keep the faith!

M&A Ros

BLA Fam said...

Grace and Mom and Dad, the BLA family is praying without ceasing for you. We believe in miracles, we believe in the power of prayer, and we believe in a BIG GOD who will carry you all through all of this. So many people who don't even know you are praying for you, and so many who do know you and can't be there with you are thinking of you CONSTANTLY and are praying CONSTANTLY for you! You are in our hearts and minds and prayers and you will continue to be. Love, J, C, E, and M BLA

mlssdglo said...

Through Your Stripes May Grace be Healed. Lord Jesus Christ, Great and Wonderful Shepherd of Your Sheep. You gather the lambs in Your arms and carry them close to you. We commend to Your loving care and healing Your Grace. Relieve her pain, guard her from all danger, restore to her Your gifts of gladness and strength. And raise her up to a life of service to you. Here as we pray, for Your Dear Names' Sake. Amen.

sls said...

Feel the warmth of God's Spirit and know the Power of His Healing Hand! Dear sweet family, you are surrounded with love and prayers. Constantly, I am thinking of you and spreading the word to pray for Grace. She is precious in our sight...but even more so in God's. Keep the faith, but know that when you are struggling to do so, we will be strong in faith for you! I have fell in love with you all, and pray for you with a pleading heart. Shannon & family

sls said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Matt & Sarah M. + Andrew & Amy R. and the rest of the Ra! Go! fam have been praying everyday! Much love from all of us in KC! We believe in a great big God who has all of us in His hands. May those hands continue to surround and support you all! We are very encouraged by the good news!

Jess said...

There are so many people who don't know Grace (like myself) but we are praying for this sweet little girl, mom, dad, and the rest of the family. Sending love from Indiana, Jessie

God is good and He can!

avargo said...

We are praying for Grace and her family constantly. When I think of Grace, a song by Audio Adrenaline comes to mind. It's about God addressing the weary and tired and He says:
"Rest easy. I have no fear. I love you perfectly. Love drives out fear. I'll take your burdens. You take My grace. Rest easy in My embrace."
May God grant Grace and her family peace and rest as we wait in faith.

Greg B. said...

There are a lot of people praying for Grace in NW-OH. We are believing that God will show His power and faithfulness through this. Mom & Dad - you are not alone in going through this desert. There are countless people praying and standing with you through this. Ps. 42:11

Love & Prayers,

Greg & Tracy

Sara said...

We think about you and pray for you all day! We are so proud of your faith and inspire to have the same! Know that you are surrounded in prayer and love. It is so great to see the body of Christ in action. I know Jesus is smiling down right now and is holding Grace in his arms tonight as she sleeps. Sweet dreams Grace - so many people love you and have been touched by you in the last 4 days. You have touched more people than some do in the lifetime. What a beautiful family you are a part of.
-A&S 'Wiggs'-