Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Grace for the family

My conversation with Mom was brief tonight due to medical staff needing her attention. Last night was a rough night for Grace. She stormed almost all of last night and no medications seemed to help.

Today, the storming ceased for the morning and afternoon and had just started up again around 8pm when I talked to Mom. Mom has been getting into bed with her to hold her during the storming.

They have taken culture after culture and are unsure where the infections are located in Grace. They know of the bladder infection, but believe their may be more than that. They did an ultrasound today and found 1/2 liter of urine in Grace and Mom is suspecting that this caused the bladder infection and has also caused it to persist despite antibiotics.

Grace's G-tube (feeding tube) is leaking. This tube is what they use to get Grace the various medications she needs. The leaking means that Grace is not getting the full dose of the medications or any at all which could be a reason for the storming being heightened. They now have a tube in her nose/mouth to feed her and are awaiting for surgery to come in and put a smaller tube in - in order to facilitate the opening where the G-tube is at to close properly.

Dad and Mom have agreed to have one of them there 24/7 until Grace is stable. Dad has taken off of work in order to be able to do this. They will be having another Care Meeting tomorrow to discuss future plans. The Care Meeting yesterday was a few house before Grace was transferred back to ICU.

Mom is feeling symptoms of her gull bladder again - which he has not felt since the initial issues a few weeks back. Mom is exhausted in every sense of the word.

Please pray for:
  • Storming to cease
  • Quick and successful transition back to rehab
  • Strength/Endurance for Dad and Mom
  • Brain functioning to return completely
  • Mom's gull bladder
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please contact info@gracegoodday.com for more information)
Thank you for all those you check the blog and pray for all the prayer points! Thank you for standing with the family even when circumstances in the "natural" can be discouraging - God is doing far more than we can ask or imagine! Keep up the comments on the blog!


Unknown said...

Dearest Little Grace and family,
We postion ourselves for victory by singing praises to our Heavenly Father. We humbly ask for forgiveness for any sin that would stand between us and the ear of God. We set God out ahead of us to fight this battle. We articulate every point of prayer request. We claim healing of these infections in the name of Jesus. We pray calming for moms stomach. We pray peace for the boys. We pray for the little tubes to be in the proper places, functioning in the proper ways. We lift up the skillful hands of each technician and each doctor and nurse. Be with mom and dad and blanket them with peace beyond their ability to understand. Please dear Heavenly Father comfort our breaking hearts as we persevere in prayer and remain steadfast in our love for you as we worship and adore you. Our minds are weak and we claim your strength to carry us along this journey. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus we claim your victory. Amen
Love, Robin

Patricia said...

Faith , Hope And Grace

I see a little girl dancing happily through my dreams ...

Chasing wild butterflies in and out of golden sunbeams ...

A beautiful warm smile upon her little face ...

Our Angel sent from Heaven our sweet baby Grace ...

She plays in the greenfields where the wildflowers grow ...

Sitting among the posies wearing her clover halo ...

She hums a sweet lullaby as she picks a pink rose ...

Holding it ever so gently to her little button nose ...

She hears all the prayers from family,strangers and friends ...

Thankful for each and everyone as her tattered body mends ...

She knows she cant stay here but she isnt at all sad ...

One day soon she will be home with her Mom and her Dad ...

For Abigail

Poem By Patricia Hensley Ault

Happy said...

I ask The Lord to replace Grace's feeding tube with no trauma to her and to stop the leakage from it in Jesus' Name. Grace is receiving the nutrition and the medication she needs for good health. I bind the infection from her entire body (especially in the bladder and around the feeding tube) and cast it out in Jesus' Name. I speak the restoration of The Holy Spirit to Grace's body, soul and spirit. She is a blood- bought child of Almighty God. Jesus healed them all!!! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
He is not a respecter of persons -- each of us is his favorite.

The same power that raised Christ from the dead is quickening Grace's, Mom's (especially the gall bladder), Dad's and the boys' bodies making them immune to every sickness and disease. There will be no side effects from any medication. This family is redeemed by the blood of Jesus and the Word of God. The Word of God will not return void, but it will accomplish everything it was sent to do. This family is healed and made whole in every area of life in Jesus' Name.

God is working all things together for good for this family because they love God and are called according to His purpose.

No weapon formed against this family shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment against them shall be proven wrong.

I speak to storming and command it to go NOW and not to return again ever in Jesus' Name. The Holy Spirit gives Grace His peace and healing. I bind fear and trauma from this precious little child in Jesus' Name. God leaves her peace and she doesn't let her heart be troubled or afraid.

I bind sadness and grief from this family in the Name of Jesus and I loose God's joy. The joy of The Lord is their strength. They rejoice in The Lord always. God inhabits their praises.

They do not grow weary in well-doing for they shall reap the reward of The Lord if they do not lose heart. God gives them proper rest and His strength.

Unknown said...

Precious Lord, Carry your children during this time, through their exhaustion and frustration, reminding them of the unending love you have for them. Father, help us hold this sweet family up, standing in the gap in every way. With praise on our lips of who you are, we give the needs of this family to you. Show each of us what you would have us do as your beacons of light, comfort and care. In the name of Jesus, we stand against infections in Grace's little body. In the name of Jesus, end the storms. In the name of Jesus, bring healing and peace. We thank you God, for the hospital staff who know you. Give them boldness as they speak of YOU with this family. All in the name of Jesus, the Christ, we pray...Amen.

We stand with you dear friends. We know HE is able...and we know He knows the rest of the story.

Oh rest in the Lord,
Wait patiently on Him
And He will give you
Your heart's desire...
And He will give you
Your heart's desire.

Big hugs,
Lisa and Tim

Elisabeth said...

Lord, I stand alongside my weary brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank you for the short rest from the storms yesterday, but pray for a longer respite, one that will allow them to fully rejuvenate.

I pray a special blessing over Mom and Dad. Since they will be separated much of the time now, trying to divide themselves between the boys, Grace and the other stuff of life; I pray that You will bind them together. Strengthen their weakened bodies. Give peace to their weakened souls. Speak truth to their weakened spirits.

Continue to give wisdom to the doctors, as well as to Mom and Dad. Steady their hands as they replace the feeding tubes.

Most of all, I pray for a complete healing for Grace. Rewire the pathways in her brain. Drain the urine from her body. Strengthen her immune system. Allow her to come to complete consciousness in the fullness of Your time so that she may return to a normal life. She is fearfully and wonderfully made.

We praise You for the way You have stood alongside this family from the beginning. You put Your plans into place before Grace was even born. You make beautiful things from ashes. I pray that You would use this time for Your glory. I pray these things in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.


Sara said...

We are still praying - and will continue to pray! God does not grow tired - let him carry you through. We love you guys and are standing beside you - just as we have from the beginning.

Peace and Blessings! Your sweet Grace is an angel!

-A and S Wiggs -