She is still storming, but less so than she was yesterday. The doctors are doing physical therapy again!
Grace appears to be clear of infection. The doctor overseeing that aspect of Grace's care didn't feel the need to increase the dosage of antibiotic, but he felt that it was important to continue the dose for the typical duration. The doctors did a culture of some of the old tubes they replaced from Grace's lungs and found evidence that there was an infection in Grace's lungs.
The doctors did find evidence of blood in Grace's stomach, but an x-ray turned out to be normal.
They replaced the g-tube, and the new one doesn't appear to be leaking!
On the mental activity front, Grace appears to be moving her hands to grab whichever of the tubes the doctors happen to be adjusting as they adjust them.
Mom's gall bladder issues came back today. She was examined at the hospital and told that the situation again wasn't an emergency, despite it being painful. Mom has a consultation scheduled for next Wednesday to discuss what surgery would involve.
Mom and dad looked at a rental home, but decided it wasn't for them. They intend to keep looking for a 3-bedroom single level first-floor rental.
Please pray for:
- Storming to cease and full brain functioning to become apparent to those around her
- Protection against infections
- Upcoming move
- Ability to get out of their current lease with no fees or other problems
- Health for the entire family
- Financial Provision (If you are interested in helping in this play please e-mail
Dear sweet little girl how strong you are you facing this battle ... We know your coming back to us and that we must be patient . Our thoughts and prayers continue on for you , your Mommy and Daddy ...
You Can Do Anything If You Believe You can do anything if you believe.If you take Gods hand, then you will recieve,Pure peace and calm and love he will supply_ courage and patience you cannot deny. See yourself perfect and whole evrey day: dont let the negatives stand in the way. With the faith of a child, you can honestly know the opportunity is yours to strengthen and grow. Believe evrey second that you always have hope,strength to endure, and ability to cope. But far beyond this, you"ll find peace of mind;If you trust in the Lord, the answers you"ll find. Byou can do anything; let it always be true, and the best things in life will be opened unto you. Edna Louise Father God I ask in your name to ease the pain Momm y is experiencing with her gall bladder we ask that you carry her when she cannot walk due to such exhaustion. I pray that you would make this transition as easy and that it meets evrey need that they need for our precious little amazing Grace and her family could possibly imagine. Lord Jesus I thankyou for craddling Grace in your loving arm for the past couple days while she was having such a hard time wiyh the storming and posturing. Ilove you all sooo much , oxox
Praise God for continuing the improvements in Grace's body and life. Her brain is healed and the storming and infection are bound and cast out in Jesus' Name. I loose the life of God into Grace's body, soul and spirit. The anointing of God removes every burden and destroys every yoke in Jesus' Name.
Praise God that the G-tube is no longer leaking. God gives the medical staff wisdom to help little Grace recover completely.
I speak to Grace's lungs and command them to be healed completely. By Jesus' stripes, Grace is healed.
Grace is regaining everything the enemy tried to steal from her. He has to give back 7 times what he has stolen from this family in Jesus' Name.
Mom's gall bladder issues are bound and cast out in Jesus Name. I loose the power of the Holy Spirit to stop these symptoms and all pain in Jesus Name.
Praise God that Grace is able to move her hands and her head and that she is able to open her eyes.
I speak complete restoration to Grace.
I believe God has the perfect place for Grace's family to live and that there are no issues with the current lease. God is faithful, He also will do this. I pray that God will lead them to the right place today and that they will know when they walk in the door that this is the place for them.
I speak health, grace, mercies, peace and God's glory to Grace and her family today in Jesus' Name.
Jose's Mom
Lord, I thank You and praise You for the care You have shown to Grace. Thank You for cleaning the infection from her system. Thank You for giving her a g-tube that does not leak. Please, continue to wrap Your arms around her and protect her. Bring her to full consciousness with no sign of the storms. Keep her muscles strong for the years of playtime and learning she has left in her life.
I pray for wisdom for the family regarding their living situation. Thank You for showing them where You don't want them to live. Please, guide them to the right place. Allow them to move without fees.
Please, give wisdom to Mom's doctors. Strengthen her through the painful times. Give her relief and rest. Strengthen the health of the entire family.
I pray that You would continue to let little boys know they too are loved and special. Give the whole family moments of laughter and joy. Grant them a lifetime of peace.
We are continuing to pray for you! I read this verse yesterday and I think God wants me to share it with you: "Yet their Redeemer is strong: the Lord Almighty is his name. He will vigorously defend their cause so that he may bring rest to their land..." Jeremiah 50:34. I hope you can rest in knowing that He is so strong and VIGOROUSLY defending you. May you feel all the prayers being lifted up for Grace and your whole family.
I personally wish that this would have never happend to A-GRACE and she is in my prayers we all just have to remember that things happen for reasons be it good things or bad things and that God has a plan and will never give us to much he will only test are will for him. As for my sister I hope that her gull stones go away and I will pray that she feels better as well as My brother and that he is ok. A-Grace is a beautifull girl I remember the last time I saw here she was what her mother said a spitting image of her intelligence and all. I know she will get better and her and her brothers mom and dad will always be in my prayers.
Dear Friends,
Just a note to let you know you are all in our thoughts and prayers tonight. May our God who knows the beginning, the end, and everything in between give you peace and rest this weekend. We are so thankful for every inch of progress and health given to dear Grace, and to the rest of the family. We give praise to the Father for the great things He has done...and know He is working mightily in your lives...and in ours!
Rejoice, the Lord is King!
Your Lord and King adore;
mortals, give thanks and sing,
and triumph evermore.
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; rejoice; again I say, rejoice.
Yes, it is another song from us...:) So many words of praise and encouragement stay with us through music! Praying a sweet song rests in your hearts as you wake to worship Sunday morning.
Lisa and Tim
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