Monday, April 14, 2008

Moving on out again...

Grace spent the day with Mom today. Mom noticed that her heart rate seems to be higher, but the storming seemed to be more under control. The doctors are saying that they hope to transfer her back to the rehab floor tomorrow.

The big concern for Grace is still the balance of all the drugs. The doctors need to use the drugs to control the storming, but at the same time these drugs sedate Grace to the point that is difficult to tell what she can and cannot do. Grace when heavily sedated keeps her eyes shut. There were times today that Grace had her eyes opened and Mom would move to the other side of the bed and Grace would turn her eyes that direction. Grace tired of this quickly most likely due to the sedative nature of the drugs.

The new pediatrician who has taken a great interest in Grace will be referred to as Dr. L. from here on out. His staff, especially the social workers, have been extremely helpful and efficient as far as tackling the financial side of this hospital stay. They have informed Mom and Dad of many details and potential problems that can be avoided with the right knowledge and know how. The family's insurance has limited care for home care/therapy and therefore the social workers are helping the family tap into several different resources to provide this for Grace in the future if it is needed.

Please Pray For:
  • Praise for Dr. L. and his awesome team
  • Praise for Grace's expected transfer to Rehab tomorrow
  • Praise for decreased storming
  • Prayer for storming to cease
  • Prayer for full restoration for Grace
  • Prayer for financial provision (If you are interested in helping in this area please e-mail for more information.)
  • Prayer for smooth transition to the Rehab floor


Tim said...

Over a year ago I contacted a staph infection in my back. One vertebrae was completely destroyed and the other vertebrae in that area were badly eaten away. I went from the surgeon's office on a gurney to the hospital it was so bad. The back surgeon cleaned up the mess, infused my body with 3 pints of blood and prayed. I was fitted with a body cast that extended from under my arms to my rear in a sitting position. For 8 days I was in the hospital and, then, was moved to a rehabilitation place for 1 1/2 months. Antibiotics were administered by drip into a vein for the 8 days and the time in the rehab place.Nobody knew if I would live, be normal, walk and so on. I had lost 30 pounds in less than a month. Pain was terrible but livable. People at home (200 miles away) were praying every day as was my doctor (I didn't know this.). At one month I was taken by ambulance to my doctor's office. More xrays were taken and we found that the area of injury in my back was fusing by itself and arthritis deposits were helping this cause. At 2 months and another ambulance ride I was even better and was able to travel home. The recovery continued with much prayer and much physical therapy. At 9 months I was able to take off the body cast. More physical therapy to strengthen my back.

Now I walk. Work in my garden. Drive. And care for myself. I have little pain. All this has transpired because of prayer and hard work for my family and me. It can be done with our Father's love and care.
I thank God every day!

I hope my life story will encouraage you and I wish for good health.

Happy said...

I thank God that Grace's body is coming under God's control and that the storming is stopping in Jesus' Name. I bind storming and seizures and command them to completely stop in Jesus' Name. I pray that the Holy Spirit is replacing and repairing everything that was damaged and is stabilizing her heart rate. I expect miracles today.

I pray that as Grace is moved to rehab, that the need for drugs will no longer be necessary. She is aware of the presence of the Lord at all times. I thank God for every improvement that she has shown. We look up to the one who is our help with great expectation.
He is the author and finisher of our faith. He is completing what He has begun.

I thank God for Mom and Dad's faith and strength. They are strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

I pray for the two little brothers as they receive wonderful, loving care from the helpers God has sent.

Blessings, glory, strength, favor and rest to this family today.

Jose's Mom

kkay said...

Jesus, just as you took the hand of Jairus's daughter, I ask that you would have mercy and compassion and take little Grace's hand as well and say to her..."Talitha koum!" (which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!"). [Mark 5:41]

We know Lord that all you have to do is say the word and she will be healed.

We ask you Jesus, to speak to the storming and rebuke it just as you did for the disciples in a different kind of storm on the Sea of Galilee... "He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. [Mark 4:39]

We thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and ask that you "stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus" [Acts 4:30] we pray, amen.

Elisabeth said...

Lord, we continue to pray that Your will be done.


mimipj said...

Lord, let Grace stay in rehab this time until she is ready to come home. Guide Dr.L toward the right combination of drugs that will allow little Grace to see her family and respond to them. I continue to believe that Grace will be healed.
Thanks to Jose for continuing to keep us all focused on prayer needs.