Monday, February 9, 2009

Spaghetti Dinner!

On the 22nd of this month Deerfield United Methodist Church will be holding a spaghetti dinner and dessert auction. Abigail will be the recipient of the funds raised. We are very thankful for good friends, Shelly and Eric Battenfield, who nominated us as the recipients. We are very humble, as we do not deserve all of the blessings God bestows on us, and grateful. The dinner will start at 5:30 that evening. We would love to have you join us if you are able. For more information, please contact the church at 513-683-7729.

Last Friday we were interviewed by the Cincinnati Enquirer with regard to the spaghetti dinner. That article should print possibly next weekend?

What else is going on with us...Abigail should be receiving her wheelchair any time now. She is very excited, as she is always uncomfortable and lifting her head out of her current chair. Abigail will also be receiving her stander on the 16th as long as everything fits well during our visit. We have had a lot of success with her braces, and her feet are flat for standing when the braces are on. Please pray that when we begin to use this new tool, we not have any problems with pain or function of Abigail's hips. I still think insurance is a funny thing, a wheelchair takes a year to get, but a stander only takes a month...

Abigail is doing very well with using her G-tube only, so I will be meeting with Dr. Levin next month to schedule the removal of the J-tube. We have also increased her bolus amount to 140 per bolus, with no problems. I think that our volume increases were just a little too quick, so we will just add 10ml per month. Lastly, we have begun to wean her Labetolol. This process should take about 10more weeks. We have already done 2 weans without event.

Yesterday we went and spent the afternoon at the zoo. It was lovely weather. A couple of weekends ago after a snow it was so warm we went out and built a snow man without jackets on. Life is good.

I am continuing my bible study on the names of God. This week I studied the name Yahweh Nissi, The Lord my banner. I am reminded that his banner over Abigail, you, and I is love. I pray that he will remind us daily to confess our tendency to fight our battles in our own strength, and to increase our faith in his power on our behalf. God's acts in the life of Abigail are certainly a testimony to that!


Happy said...

Praise God for the Spaghetti Dinner fund raiser for Abigail. Praise God for the love of Shelly and Eric Battenfield.

Praise God for the article by the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Praise God for Abigail's new wheel chair and stander. Praise God for Abigail's braces (Lord fit them yourself to her needs) and for the progress in the proper relocation of her hips without pain. I have a vision of this being done.

Praise God that Abigail is doing very well with the G-tube and for the painless removal of the J-tube.
Praise God for the increased bolus amount with no problems.

Praise God for the successful weaning from Labetolol.

Praise God for the family time at the zoo. Praise God that you were able to build a snowman and for the warm weather in winter. That is awesome.

Praise God for the Bible Study time for Mom and for her sharing her faith with us.

Shalom -- nothing missing, nothing broken.

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's coplete healing in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that He is able to do exceeding more than we can ask for or think of.

Praise God for the caregivers and the family of Abigail who love her and are standing for her healing.

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank God for His perfect love for all mankind.

Shalom -- nothing missing, nothing broken