Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Awaiting first sounds

Grace had a special valve put in along with her trach this week. This valve makes it possible for Grace to use her vocal cords. This is the first step toward encouraging/teaching Grace how to communicate. In a previous post we had stated that this valve was replacing the trach and that was a misunderstanding on our part. Grace has not tested out those vocal cords yet, but we are praying that Grace will attempt to vocalize any day!

In a couple of days, Grace will be completely weaned from one of the powerful drugs she was on to help with the storming. Mom is SO excited about this accomplishment. Other drug weaning continues and Grace has been responding well to it.

Grace's sleep patterns have once again evened out. She is awake during the day and sleeps at night.

Please Pray For:
  • Continued success with weaning of medications
  • Grace to use her vocal cords
  • Continued strength for all members of the family
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please contact

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Temper Tantrums

Grace had a planned hospital visit to check the status of her trach this last week. The trach is doing wonderful and Grace's vocal chords look fantastic. This is good news because it is common for the vocal chords to be damaged when a trach is needed. Grace will go in soon to see if she can get the trach replaced with something that would allow her to use those vocal chords. The other option would be to begin to teach Grace to communicate using her hands and some sort of communication board. Both options are exciting, but Mom is leaning toward putting Grace's vocal chords back to use :)

Grace has been storm free for over three weeks now which is a HUGE praise report. Mom says she still has little episodes now and then. Mom described these minor episodes as more of a "temper tantrum" response to something she does not want to do such as therapy. Mom communicates that therapy is something that needs to be done and directs her to stop. Grace typically responds by stopping! Mom is excited to see this progress and form of communication.

They continue to wean Grace off of more and more medications and Grace continues to become more and more alert! The weaning is going well and quicker than expected.

Please Pray For:
  • Praise that storming has CEASED!
  • Wisdom with trach replacement
  • Continued success with medication weaning
  • A strong and united marriage and family
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail

Monday, July 14, 2008


Grace went to the park the other day and the family put a walnut up to her nose. She focused on it with her eyes and seemed to like the smell. I asked for some clarification about Grace not "seeing" at this point. Mom does not believe Grace is seeing at this time, but that she uses her sense of smell quite effectively to locate objects or people with her eyes. Mom explained it best when she said that she does not startle when you suddenly put something in front of her or motion right in front of her face unless there is a sounds.

Right now the focus has been weaning Grace off of certain medications as well as trying to regulate her food intake. Grace has gained some weight which is concerning to Mom. They believe it is due to the amount of food she is getting in relation to her lack or activity at this point. The doctor and Mom are working on this area to make sure Grace gets just the right amount of food.

The nurses continue to bless the family. One of the nurses helped Mom decorate the master bedroom quite romantically I hear :) Another nurse offered to work "overtime" for no pay so the family could enjoy sometime out together on the 4th.

Please Pray For:
  • Complete healing and restoration for Grace
  • Praise for the nurses
  • Wisdom in regulating Grace's food intake
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in helping in this area please e-mail

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sour Lemons

The posts have been less frequent lately and will continue to be per mom's request. Obviously, mom is very busy and she does not always have the time to call and give a detailed report. If there is nothing new to report mom needs to spend that time doing other things like hopefully relaxing :) Therefore, posts will come every few days from this point forward.

Grace continues to show steady progress. She had another session of speech therapy today. She responded to the therapist prompting her to find her in the room. The therapist would call her name and Grace after a few tries would locate her by moving her eyes and head toward her. She also showed purposeful tongue movement today as well as a reaction to lemon put on her tongue. Mom explained her facial reaction as an "Elvis look" This shows that her taste buds are returning!

Grace continues to storm for a few hours at a time off and on, but she has not had an intense storming session in quite some time. This is VERY exciting progress!

Mom had 4th of July pictures done of the kids and has requested that we put up pictures for all of you to see how your prayers have helped this little girl day in and day out! The family is less concerned about Media attention and is excited to share a visual example of her progress to all those around the world who are praying for her! Mom hopes to send those pictures to us when she has a spare moment.

Please Pray For:
  • Complete healing and restoration for Grace
  • Ceasing of storming once and for all
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day by Day

There is not much to report as of late. Mom's mom (grandma) has returned home after a three week stay. Mom and Dad have ruled out one alternative treatment as not the best thing for Grace at this point.

Grace has not made any new progress lately, but continues to hold steady. She had her first long stretch of storming the other day. She had not had this serious storming for over a week and a half.

Please Pray For:
  • Complete healing and restoration for Grace
  • Wisdom for how to balance all the family has to juggle at this point
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail