Friday, September 26, 2008


Also, Abigail is becoming better and better at holding her head up. She can do it even while getting bumped and jostled by the boys. fShe loves to cuddle and is learning how to hug. Please join with us in praying that she will be holding her own head up by the time we are ready to start working with a stander, sometime early next year.

Abigail continues to work with her hands and demonstrate that she can intentionally push buttons to play with toys. We are still looking into switch toys to give her back some control over her life. Hopefully, this will also be an option for communication devices in the not too distant future.

Our biggest challenges right now are weight gain and recertification for therapies. Abigail was just switched to a new formula, and we will revisit the doctor in about a month to see if there has been any improvement. Does anyone have any 7/8 girls clothes? Regarding therapies, it seems like they are sometimes having difficulty recertifying us, saying there has not been enough progress. We are currently taking a different approach and have applied to the Perlman Center to see if we may have more success here.

We would love to hear Abigail's sweet voice again, so please keep that in your prayers. So far, we have only heard a few accidental vocalizations which she attempts to reproduce, so far without success.

The boys are awake. Off I go.

All Things Are Possible With God

Hello Everyone. I want to begin by saying how much Richard and I appreciate and have been encouraged by this blog. It has been wonderful to know that you are praying for us, sometimes when we feel unable to pray for ourselves. It is also a huge blessing to see your uplifting comments consistently. We feel privledged to have you walk along side us in this unexpected, but wonderful journey with our precious Abigail.

I also want to say a very big thank you to our dear friends, Tim and Melissa, who have taken time out of their busy lives to do this for us. Melissa has been a great listener at whatever hour of the night an ear was needed.

The update on Abigail! Abigail continues to progress. When I reflect on where we began, we have come a LONG WAY! ALL things are possible with God! Abigail is becoming increasingly alert as we remove medications that were necessary while she was still storming. We have not had a storm in about 3 months, and we don't expect them to come back! Praise God!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome, Mom!

It's been about 6 months since Grace had her good day, and we have a special announcement to make!

Mom has asked to participate in this blog!

We it was our pleasure to be there when the family needed it most and we're proud to be friends of such loving parents!

It's been a lot of fun keeping you posted on Grace's progress! Thank you for all your continuing prayers and support for Grace and her family!

God bless!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Continued progress

Grace continues to make a lot of great progress, although as of late it's more difficult to point to something and say "she did this today!!!"

Grace is still on a gamut of medications for various things. The storming is pretty much a memory at this point, which is a HUGE thing to praise God for! Medications that affect Grace's alertness continued to be weaned slowly but surely.

Mom is doing some investigating into switches and special need toys. This would allow Grace to be reinforced for some of the actions she is currently doing. The library near the hospital actually allows families to check out special needs toys just like books. Mom is experimenting with them to see which ones work best for Grace.

Mom still holds firm to the fact that Grace's recovery is not complete. She does believe that Grace will be completely healed except for one area such as sight or being confined to a wheel chair. This has been Mom's feeling for a while and she feels that the one obvious area of difference will draw people to Grace. This will result in Grace being able to tell her story of the amazing God she serves and of course of all of you who have been praying SO diligently for her!

Please Pray For:
  • Complete healing for Grace
  • Wisdom where to apply funding and resources the family has been given
  • Wisdom in choosing the best people for Grace's medical care
  • Continued signs of progress to encourage the family daily
  • Financial Support (If you are interested in this area please e-mail