I have a lot to report tonight. Grace has some sort of infection. Her breathing is not like it usually is and she is not acting herself. Mom was at the doctor a lot of the day yesterday and pushed to keep her from going into the hospital. The result is breathing treatments every hour around the clock and extra care.
Despite the infection, I have some very exciting things to report. Due to Grace's
responsiveness she is no longer considered in a "
coma" on the
comatose scale that the medical world uses. She is looking at whoever is talking and also localizes her response
physically when experiences pain or simulation.
Due to the breathing treatments and the frequency of having to remove the
trach they are doing a new procedure. Instead of replacing the
trach they are cleaning it and replacing it. Well, last night while Mom was in the other room cleaning it Grace vocalized for the first time. She did not say a word but made a sound repeatedly. The
trach goes through her vocal cord area and basically prevents her from making sounds. But, even before Grace had the
trach she was not vocalizing. This floored Mom and everyone is SO excited about yet another step of
In addition, the family is looking into some alternative treatment for Grace that has shown incredible results in situations like Grace's. Mom has found a place that does this treatment for free in Florida so the family would just need to pay for lodging, food and airfare. The treatment time would be about a month and if it was
successful the family would buy a used machine for this treatment for the home. All of this is still very much in investigation and no final decision have been made.
Please Pray For:
- Infection to be identified
- Healing for the infection
- Continued encouragement for the family as Grace's healing is manifested
- Wisdom with this alternative treatment
- Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail info@gracegoodday.com)