Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Family In Town

Grace's other grandma is in town (Mom's mom). She arrived in last night and will be staying for a while.

Grace had a long streak of no storming for almost a full week. She began storming again yesterday and Mom said that she had had a rough day.

My conversation with Mom was very brief due to family being in town.

Just an FYI - if we miss a day or two of posting it is due to not hearing from the family on that particular day. I imagine with family in town that our conversations will be brief and may not be daily.

Please Pray For:
  • Storming to cease
  • Family to provide a relief/rest for the Dad and Mom
  • Wisdom for a possible night nurse on the weekends
  • Strong and united marriage for the couple
  • Financial Provision (If you are interested in this area please e-mail

1 comment:

Happy said...

Praise God for Grandma being in town. Praise God that she is helpful and a blessing to the family.

Praise God for a full week without storming. Praise God that the storming is permanently stopped in Jesus' Name. No weapon formed against Grace shall prosper. Jesus healed all of her diseases.

Praise God for His medical people to help on the weekends and for wisdom and discernment for Mom and Dad to choose the right ones.

Praise God for a strong and united marriage for Mom and Dad.

Praise God for financial provision and every need met for this family in Jesus' Name.

Praise God that Grace is awakened and functioning as she did before.

Shalom -- nothing missing, nothing broken.