Monday, June 2, 2008

Possible Weekend Nurse

Grace continues her abnormal storming cycle. She is storming more often than before her infection. Her heart rate continues to be higher than normal. It was a stressful day today due to the night nurse calling in and Mom needing to do all the care.

The family has switched nursing shifts around and are going to be able to go out together Friday night to a wedding which will be a welcome relief. In addition, Dad's mom is coming out to help take care of the boys and give the family some much needed rest.

Mom clarified something for me tonight that I have personally been asked many questions about so I thought I would put it in the blog. Grace's eyes have been open consistently when she is awake and closes when she is asleep. Apparently, she has been doing this since about the 7th week after the incident. I apologize for this miscommunication. Sometimes being long distance has its disadvantages.

The family has the allowance for 16 hours of nursing care a day, but has been unable to find nursing care for the weekends. Mom called some independent nurses today and she is meeting with one of them soon to see if it will work out.

Please Pray For:
  • Storming to cease completely
  • Special time for the couple for their anniversary
  • Discernment for the right night nurse
  • Restful time when Dad's mom comes into town this week
  • Financial Provision (If you desire to help in this area please contact


Happy said...

Praise God that Grace's brain and body are healed by Jesus' stripes. She is a blood-bought, redeemed, child of God therefore the enemy has no power over her and no place in her. Jesus is Lord over Grace.

Praise God that the nursing schedule is adapted to the needs of the family.Praise God that Mom and Dad are going to a wedding on Friday.

Praise God that Grace's eyes are open while she is awake and closed while she sleeps. This is wonderful.

Praise God that Dad's Mom is coming out to help and that there is a possibility for some help on weekends.

Praise God for Mom and Dad's special time on their anniversary.

Praise God for rest for the caregivers (especially Mom and Dad).

Shalom -- nothing missing, nothing broken

mimipj said...

Dear Family,
I have been thinking all day about what I want to say tonight on the blog. I am praying that you will be able to secure a nurse for the weekends because I know you are exhausted. I pray that you two can have a peaceful, loving wonderful anniversary. You need each other so enjoy your minutes together. Grace is in my prayers every day as well as the rest on your family. Can't wait to see you all again. Enjoy the loving help you will receive from Dad's Mother.
Love you,