Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lollipop, Lollipop!

As I write this blog, Richard is out walking with the boys, and Abigail and I are sitting here eating lollipops. Hers is chocolate flavored, and mine is bubble gum. Yum! Richard has taken a saw and a hatchet with him to cut down a tree laying on a path they like to walk. Boys will be boys!

This week has been busy but good. Apex is almost finished building the wheelchair ramp, and it looks great! Medicaid waiver program has approved our request for a vehicle modification, and we should know which provider will be completing the job early next month. This will make our trip home to Minnesota over New Years much more comfortable. Abigail has an appointment with the Perlman Center next Monday to assess her skills and determine which programs may be beneficial to her. As I mentioned before, they are well versed in technology for switches and communication devices. Aside from being an awesome opportunity for Abigail, it will provide some one on one time for me and the boys, while she and her nurse attend the program one or two days each week.

Abigail seems to be tolerating her new formula well, and we look forward to her next weigh in on the 20th of October to see if it is effectively curbing the weight gain.

I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying, and one of the questions I ask myself is what is the meaning of life? What are we to accomplish while we are here? I feel like the 2 answers that I usually arrive at are 1) To come to know God as your personal saviour and friend, and 2) To bring others to a saving knowledge of him. I feel like Abigail is very blessed in that she has already accomplished both of these, and some of us spend our entire lives having accomplished neither. Abigail once said to me, "Mommy, Jesus loves me so much." And I said thats true, dear. And she said, "Yeah, he doesn't yell at me as much as you do." How about kids to be totally honest!

Before I go tonite I wanted to share with you some scripture that is my continuous prayer: Ephesians 3:16-19 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.



Happy said...

Praise God that Abigail enjoyed eating a lollipop and for her time with Mom.

Praise God for the wheelchair ramp and for the vehicle modification approval.

Praise God for the appointment with the Perlman Center to help with communication devices.

Praise God that the new formula agrees with Abigail and that her weight is getting back to normal.

Praise God for His Word and for the scripture in Ephesians 3:16-19.

Unknown said...

I just walked past the refrigerator where I posted the first email call for prayer from my daughter kim in Cincinnati, we are in Michigan and many in our church keep your family in prayer. My husband and I don't let a week go by without stopping in for a visit with the life of Abigail. Thank you for your recent post. We all wonder on the meaning of life and you saw it as I do and I got glory bumps to think that in little Abigail's life she got what many will miss and at this precious age. We keep praying and give God all the Praise, Honor and Glory for his Love and Miracles. Peace to you today, beyond understanding.

Mrs. P. said...

Praise for the wonderful things that continue to bless Abby and every person in your family. It has been such a blessing in my life to know you all.

Elisabeth said...

Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us, Mom.

Let's pray. We thank you God for giving life meaning. We thank you for answered prayer and for hope. We continue to ask for wisdom, guidance, balance, and peace. In Your precious name we pray, that You would be glorified in all that we do. Amen.


Happy said...

Praise God that Abigail is healed by Jesus' stripes and no weapon formed against her shall prosper. She can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. God has begun a good work in her and He will carry it through until the healing is complete.

Praise God for Richard's time with the boys.

Praise God for restoring Abigail's communication skills.

Let everyone that has breath praise the Lord.

Jen said...

Mom, it's so great to hear from you on this blog. Thanks for sharing with us. We pray for Abby and for your family. You are such a strong witness for the Lord. Jen