Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

With Christmas around the corner I suddenly remembered that I had a blog for our little princess, and thought I should probably say hello. We have been doing great! Everyone is in good health. We have finished Christmas shopping, holiday cards, and even stocked up on sweets and a gingerbread house. I have started a new hobby of couponing, so I have been getting some really sweet deals. I bought 2 sparkling grape juice bottles for $1.oo total! The grandparents are coming in to town early next week. Everyone is excited. Grandma has been purchasing way too many gifts to spoil the kids, and she talks to them about it every time she calls. Now the boys think that everything in the house is from Grandma.

Abigail is doing well. We visited the doctor last week and discovered that our new diet for her has been successful. She lost 5 pounds and looks great! For awhile she had a bit of puffiness in her face, but she has really evened out. It is so funny, she is growing up so fast! She is getting longer, and just looks more like a little girl than a toddler. Grandma Sherry sent a beautiful Christmas dress for her birthday. I am going to do my best to take some pictures and post them on this blog. Since starting school she has been going to bed on her own at about 7:30 each night, so we were able to remove the Melatonin from her medication list. She has also been going to the bathroom on her own, so we were able to eliminate another bowel medication from her list (the Biscodyl suppository). So she is now down to only one bowel medication, Miralax. God's willingness to heal us physically and emotionally amazes me. When I think back to the time of her accident, I don't know if I ever beleived life would return to normal. He is faithful. The Hassinger family is not just "making it". We are blessed and have much to be thankful for this holiday season.

Abigal has been receiving cranial sacral therapy on a weekly basis, thanks to a generous donor from our church. We are coming up on three months of therapy. I cannot say for sure whether or not there have been changes related to the therapy or not. Please pray for us as we decide whether or not to continue this therapy, or to pursue something else.

Abigail is doing well at school and continues to do well with her eye blink switch. We are going to be doing vision and hearing testing in the near future just to give our therapists more information to use in choosing the best devices to use in working with Abby. She is seeming to improve a lot in the area of speech, particularly with lower lip and mouth movement. I am hoping that the lower lip movement will continue to improve so that she will be capable of increased facial expression. I have already told her that I want an Abigail smile for Christmas. She is also doing more mouth and toungue movement. She moves her toungue out of the way when you suction her of clean her mouth. She also makes kind of an "o" shape with her lips whenever you put something in.

Thats all for now. Please give me a hello and let me know you are out there!



Happy said...

Angie, Praise God for your precious faith and strength during the process of Abigail's healing. She will continue to improve!!! God has begun a good work and will carry it through to the end.

Praise God for Abigail's new diet and her weight loss. Praise God that the puffiness is gone.

Praise God for Abigail's new Christmas dress.

Praise God that Abigail has a set bedtime and that she sleeps without Melatonin. Praise God that her bowels are stabilized and that more medication has been removed.

Praise God that Abigail is receiving cranial sacral therapy. God will give wisdom and knowledge regarding this.

Praise God that Abigail is doing well in school and that she looks forward to it. Praise God for the eye blink switch.

Praise God for good results from the upcoming hearing and vision tests.

Praise God that Abigail's speech muscles, (tongue, lips and mouth) are being healed. Praise God for a smile for Christmas!!!

Praise God for the Grandparents visit at Christmas.

God's blessings for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Happy said...

Praise God for a wonderful Christmas with extended family.

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning us.

I speak restoration of everything that the enemy has tried to steal because Jesus came so we could get everything back. Praise stops the enemy and his plans.

Blessings always.

Anonymous said...

Angie, I have been reading the blog since the beginning, and just finally (it seems) am able to leave a comment! I just wanted to let you know how inspiring you and your family are, especially your Christlike attitude about everything that is going on in Abby's life. May the Lord continue to heal her and show you His amazing power in your lives.
Kathy Freeman

D.L. Folken said...

Praying for her healing!!

A man named Finite awoke and found himself in a sinkhole full of quick sand. He was sinking very slowly and knew that he would meet certain death.

A man came along who had holes in his hands. The man threw Finite a rope and told him to grab it and he would pull him to safety.

Finite looked at the holes in the man's hands and said, “Your not real.” “It is not scientifically possible for a man to live who has holes in his hands.

The man with the holes in his hands looked at the guy a little puzzled and said, “You are in a sinkhole and about to die. Your response to my help is to say I’m not real?”

Finite said, “Well, I like how warm the sand is and I really don’t want to get out. Second, I know I am having an illusion because it is not possible for a man to have holes in his hands and still help me out.” Therefore, morally I like my plight and scientifically, you don’t exist being a mere projection of my mind.

The man with the holes in his hands said, “Listen, I was sent here by my father to help people out so please let me help you! I will take you to my father’s mansion where you can enjoy life for eternity. Obviously, death was not able to hold me in the grave because the holes in my hands are proof that I overcame death. I now have the power to save you so grab the rope!”

Finite put his fingers in the ears and said, “Now I know I am hearing things because there is no such thing as eternal life…Everyone dies so I am going to take my turn and just enjoy this warm sand until the end.”

The man with the holes in his hand said, “If you won’t grab the rope, then I won’t be able to help you…please, please take the rope and I can pull you out. Have faith my friend.”

A few moments later Finite sunk into the quick sand and out of sight. Finite was surprised that he did not die as expected. He just sat there surrounded by sand, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to talk with his fingers in his ears. Finite tried to comfort himself by thinking, “I would rather stay here for eternity than believe that the man with the holes in His hand could help me. Faith in that mirage is irrational!!

So Finite sat in the quicksand for eternity. Day in and day out for eternity Finite was always thinking about the man with the holes in his hands. He would comfort himself thinking, “It was better to not have faith than to believe something that didn’t make sense.”

The man with the holes in His hands continued to call him for the rest of eternity; however, Finite could not hear his voice because he had plugged his ears.

The Lesson

If you are not with Christ, you will be thinking about Christ for eternity anyway... so have faith.

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's continued progress.

Praise God that He is restoring her.

Praise God that Abigail is redeemed from everything that the enemy has tried to do.

Praise God that Jesus Is Lord over Abigail.

Praise God that Abigail and her family are blessed all the days of their lives.

Shalom - Peace to Abigail and her entire family.

Happy said...

Praise God for Abigail's continued progress.

Praise God for restoration and complete healing.

Praise God that Abigail can do all things through Christ who strengthens her.

Praise God that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in her.


Happy said...

Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever.

Give thanks to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.

If God is for us, who can be against us.

In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.
